When you venture outside of the cities inside Entropia Universe, you will come across various mobs. On this page you can learn more about mobs.
Creatures - thats where the money is!
Creatures is one, if not THE, biggest part of Entropia Universe.
Currently there is a vast array of mobs you can kill inside Entropia Universe in order to loot those mobs for profit.
So, the question is - which creatures you should hunt, if you have the skill to hunt the mob and if you have the equipment (gear) to hunt the mob...
On average there is, in globals alone, items looted with a total value of +150 000 PED (15 000 USD) looted inside Entropia Universe each day!
If you want part of that pie, you need to know which monsters you are capable of hunting.
Different types of creatures
On each planet inside Entropia Universe you can find various mobs that will deal different types of damage.
One creature might "bite", another might hit you and a third kind of creature might shoot at you with laser rifles...
You need to know what kind of damage your armor protects against before you engane the specific creature.
Generally speaking "humanoid" looking mobs such as Oratans will shoot at you dealing "Penetration" and "Burn" damage. Furthermore robots will also shoot at you, dealing "Burn" damage. To engage those mobs, you will need armor that protects against that kind of damage.
If you are unsure if a mob deals ranged damage to you, you can often look at the mob (from a distance!) and see if the mob is carrying any weapons.
The vast majority of mobs inside Entropia Universe deals "hit type" damages, so it is adviced you aquiere a set of armor that can handle that type of damage quite well.
Upgrade your armor!
If you opt for a general armor that can handle the majority of situations you can find your self in, it is adviced you figure out which damage types this armor lacks protection in, and build up the armor in those areas using "armor-plates".
Show Me The Money!
Using Entropia Life you can figure out which creatures are dropping big loots right now. And afterall, isent that what we are after - the big loots?!
Use the table below to see the biggest loots for each creature inside Entropia Universe, and remember if you sign up for Entropia Life, you can get much more info free of charge for any creature inside Entropia Universe!
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