Entropia Life

Profile for CZ Jane CZ

CZ Jane CZ

CZ Jane CZ's Overview

Member of Cz-Sk Crows

  • First hunting global: 4/23/2008 9:46:46 PM
  • First mining global: 3/14/2009 11:29:33 PM
  • First crafting global: 7/9/2008 8:16:34 PM
  • Hunting Stats

    Favorite Mob: Merry Annihilation Daikiba

    Highest Loot: 12 282 PED

    Total Loot: 1 288 500 PED

    Hunting Rank: 709 of 3 034

    Mining Stats

    Favorite Mineral: Lysterium Stone

    Highest Loot: 4 485 PED

    Total Loot: 32 488 PED

    Mining Rank: NA. of 1 070

    Crafting Stats

    Favorite Item: Angelic ROCK T-Shirt (M,C)

    Highest Loot: 2 015 PED

    Total Loot: 48 852 PED

    Crafting Rank: NA. of 1 066

    CZ Jane CZ's Friends inside Entropia Universe.

    Sephiroth De StrifePeter NIO StvrteckyTrue TJ JuanLu Ludra LudMike Taz Ironspavel rozikp rozenbaumUklesh Pluut FrozenFilip Wixe LehnertLukas Guiwer DobrakTomas T79x Hopemonika czech RepublicTomas T79x HopeLu Ludra Ludmilan milhauz68 kovac

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